Tag Archives: Liberty Barbell

Friday, 7/20/12

19 Jul

The noon session is cancelled today due to CFCC’s entire staff being involved in the process of interviewing potential new Coaches for the gym!  The 330pm, 430pm, and 530pm sessions are still on!

Thoughts on the CrossFit Games from 13th Place.

Some thoughts on training with barbells from a man who’s made history doing so.

Arrus, at the top of a set of 2 Sumo-Deadlifts at 525lbs… like you do.

SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Lax Ball Shoulders, 5 minutes.  Foam Roll Hips, 5 minutes.

DYNAMIC WARM-UP: 3 rounds of: 3 Adductor Mobs per Side, 3 Jump Squats, 30 second Handstand Hold, 3 Burpees AFAP (As Fast As Possible).

SKILL WORK: Review the Thruster and work up to a your metcon weight.


“KALSU” with an optional 20 minute cap.

Past times are here.

With 5 burpees at the start of each minute, perform 100 thrusters (135/95) for time.

“Today spiritual cultivation is very shallow in this society. You think, people today, they have everything they have. Are they happy? They are not happy, because they can feel their life is missing something. What’s missing? The spiritual side of cultivation, of understanding. Are you righteous? Can you show respect? Are you humble? All these things are required to make yourself reach higher levels. If I can conquer myself to do what I want to do, I have my life.”

(Because Kalsu is not just ANY workout).

Tuesday, 5/8/12

7 May

If you’re not doing anything tonight… show up at the gym at 6pm to join us for a visit to watch a film about Olympic Lifter Cheryl Hayworth and listen to her fellow Olympian, Cara Heads, talk about her experience in the sport. More information is here! “A formidable figure, standing at 5’8” and weighing over 300 pounds, Cheryl Haworth struggles to defend her champion status as her lifetime weightlifting career inches towards its inevitable end. Strong! chronicles her journey and the challenges this unusual elite athlete faces, exploring popular notions of power, strength, beauty, and health.”

CROGA with Tim at 730pm.
and don’t forget – there is NOW A 33pm SESSION!

SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Lax Ball Shoulders, 3 minutes.
MOBILITY: Band Pec Stretch, 1 minute each side.
SKILL WORK: Tripod to Headstand to HSPU (if possible – use a band to assist if needed). Teach for 2 minutes, practice for about 10 minutes.
DYNAMIC WARM-UP: Single Arm Ring Row Tabata (switch arms at every interval)
STRENGTH: Press, up to a peak of 3.
METABOLIC CONDITIONING: 5 Rounds of 1 minute at each station: Wallball (20/14 – 10ft.)/HSPU (if no HSPU —> Push-up). Submit TOTAL reps for BOTH movements.

Olympic Lifting at CFCC: What is Liberty Barbell?

6 May



As many of you know, CFCC has recently officially released the name of our USAW (USA Weightlifting) Competitive Olympic Lifting Team.  Liberty Barbell Club is an outlet for all things Olympic Lifting at CFCC and will be used to grow athletes looking to invest specific time in Olympic Weightlifting as a competitive sport and/or as a part of their CrossFit pursuits (competitive or recreational).


Liberty Barbell Club is publicly formed and you can now tweet about them, like them, and also check out their webpage for up-to-date info on their progress, and all kinds of information on the sport of Olympic Weightlifting.


Despite being out in the world, this next month of training at CFCC will be an experiment in scheduling, sound quelling, and coaching format.  If everything goes well, we’ll be able to make some more educated decisions about what the future of Liberty Barbell will look like. So, if you love Olympic Lifting and if you want to see just how far you can get in the sport – this is your opportunity!


There will be three veins of participation in Liberty Barbell that, as a member of CFCC you will have access to:




Open to members of the Advanced Class and those who have merited entry into the Competitive Class of Liberty Barbell.  If you are in the Hybrid level of Oly (see below), you must complete 20 Hybrid classes to make it to this level of training – if you would like to be in these classes.  Pending your completion of these classes we (the three Oly Coaches) will also review your performance and consider your placement in the program.


If you are in this level of the club, you do not necessarily HAVE to compete in all CrossFit or Olympic Lifting Competitions, but you must commit to competing in at least one every year.  The members of this level are serious about their sport (whether CrossFit or Oly Lifting) and are here to work hard and efficiently – while training is still fun, it is a time to focus and give your full attention to the task at hand.  Competition is not always necessarily the way to bring out the best in us, but is a true test of all the great elements of the sport: precision, courage, and the proof that comes with performance.


Coach Jim will teach all Advanced/Competitive Classes.




MONDAY: 9-11am, 730-930pm

TUESDAY: 9-11am, 730-930pm

THURSDAY: 9-11am, 730-930pm

FRIDAY: 530-730pm

SATURDAY: 1-3pm, 3-5pm

SUNDAY: 12-2pm, 2-4pm




The Hybrid Level of Oly is open to members who have taken 20 classes of Intro to Olympic Lifting (see below).  The purpose of this class is to Snatch, Clean and Jerk often, but also to examine the specific weaknesses of lifters and actively incorporate assistance lifts and movement patterns that reinforce the Olympic Lifts and the strength, speed, mobility, and stability that it takes to train them aggressively (as in Competitive Programming).


In addition to training Olympic Lifting, this class will also engage in explosive conditioning workouts that support CrossFit training methodologies and support the goal of becoming better at the Olympic Lifts.  The sum total of these conditioning workouts will be no more than 2-3 per week, and they will be optional. Shoulder stability and Hip Explosiveness can be reinforced through the incorporation of other movements and especially for athletes looking to alternate between CrossFit and Olympic Lifting, Hybrid programming can assist with maintaining a certain level of working ability in the slightly more aerobic threshold of CrossFit.


Coach Jim Rutter, Coach Samantha Wright, and Coach and CFCC Founder, Erin Davidson will coach these classes.




MONDAY: (Jim) 7-9am, (Sammy) 530-730pm

TUESDAY: (Erin) 7-9am, (Jim) 530-730pm

WEDNESDAY: (Erin) 9-11am

THURSDAY: (Sammy) 7-9am, (Sammy) 530-730pm

FRIDAY: (Erin) 9-11am




The Intro to Oly classes are capped at 8 people and are intended for members who are just starting out with the Olympic Lifts in our regular classes and would like some extra practice with them.  The lifts, and variations of the lifts are tailored to your individual learning needs and technique is rigidly practiced.  To make it to the Hybrid level of the Liberty Barbell Schedule, you must complete 20 classes of Intro to Oly.




WEDNESDAY: (Sammy) 530-7pm

SATURDAY: (Sammy and Erin) 9-1030am, (Jim and Erin) 1030am-12pm


How do I keep track of classes? 


Coaches sign off on a Workout Log that YOU keep.  You may leave this Workout Log at the Gym.


Do I need Oly Shoes or any other equipment to participate?


Oly Shoes, Belts, Knee Sleeves, and Wrist Wraps are great to have for yourself if you are Olympic Lifting at all – but they are not immediately necessary.  If you are in the Competitive/ADVANCED or Hybrid Classes procurement of these items is STRONGLY encouraged.


What do I do if I get injured in the Oly Programs?


The same thing you do if you get injured in any other place or class at CFCC, you email us with a record of your injury – and you IMMEDIATELY TELL YOUR COACH.  Please recognize that those are two separate things, and we need to hear both.


What does the Oly Program cost? 


The cost of the full-time Competitive Oly program is $200 – even if you have been a member of CFCC since it’s inception.  If this rate makes it impossible for you to attend and you are in earnest that you merit a scholarship, written requests of 100 words or less will be sincerely considered – but not necessarily given.


The cost of the Hybrid Program and the Intro classes is free with your CFCC Membership – so, for those of you who have been with us from the very beginning… you will see no change in your rates.


How long does the Oly Program last if I enter?


It lasts for as long as you would like it to, but we ask that you attend on a regular basis for at least 4 weeks at a time.


How many sessions a week should I train?


If you are in the Intro program, you should train as often as you can if you plan to advance to the Hybrid program.  If you are just looking for a little supplemental training experience, feel free to train only once a week.  The more you train, the better off you’ll be and you can definitely cap these sessions with other training sessions as they will always be tailored to your individual needs.


If you are in the Hybrid program, you will only see improvements if you are attending at least 3 to 4 sessions a week (with 4 being the more common amount needed).  You can definitely attend up to 5 per week.  Keep in mind, other metcons at CFCC will not be suited to your needs – only the Hybrid ones.  Of course, CROGA classes are always encouraged.  Remember, you need 20 of these sessions under your belt if you intend to attempt the Competitive Level.


If you are at the Advanced/Competitive Level, unless you are supplementing your CrossFit training with these classes, you should consider yourself a full-time Olympic Lifter.  If you are supplementing your training, speak with us specifically to pick times of the week where you will get the most out of this more focused training.  Advanced/Competitive Level athletes are STRONGLY encouraged to attend other events, Seminars, CROGA classes, etc. (included in their Liberty Barbell Club membership).


How do I know which level I’m in? 


For now, I’ll be listing certain people on a board at the gym as being either, Hybrid or Advanced/Competitive – if you are not on that list, you may assume that you are in Intro Class Territory.


Can you quickly test out of a level if you’re the best ever?


Maybe – but honestly, you had better be pretty friggin’ good.  Email if you have questions about this.


Who do I talk to if I have questions about this stuff?


Email erin@crossfitcc.com for more information.

Tuesday, 5/1/12

30 Apr

We are running a new challenge for the CFCC BCCC!  Take a picture of a meal and write a recipe to send to me at erin@crossfitcc.com – the 3 best recipes and 3 worst recipes will win.  The winners will win dinner and instruction with the one and only Arrus Farmer who will be feeding you all and counselors Meghan and Abbey.  Among the instruction will be the following items: Perfect Steak, Braised Pork, Easy Fish, Getting the most out of Roasting a Whole Chicken, Tony Oil Salad, Southern Greens, and Ginger Infused Sweet Potatoes.  You will learn SO much – and all at the price of submitting your picture and recipe! Turn in your recipes by Friday, May 11th at midnight to win.

Arrus is taking you on a trip to Reading Terminal Market to learn about how to pick your proteins, greens, and carbohydrates at 8am this Saturday (meet at the gym) and also next Saturday (5/12/12) at 8am.  Why 8am? Because that’s the only way you’ll get the best, and learn the most without being distracted by tourists.  Skills for picking things out at the Terminal do transfer to your normal every day supermarket – so get some shut-eye early on Friday and come out on Saturday to learn how to navigate a place you’ll be every week if you know what’s good for you!

What happens to your body when you carb binge!

Beefy, Refreshing, AND BCCC approved – Lettuce Wraps from NomNomPaleo.

Do you keep a workout log?  If not, you SHOULD.  Here’s one place to Register for one. You’ll have to put your Workout Log as “new thread” under that section.  From there, just post whenever you do what you’ve done and it’s easy to search through the years to see how you’ve improved.  You can also use the “subscribed threads” feature to follow OTHER members of CFCC such as: Angie Marfisi, Coach Liz Edmonds, Reid Hurley, Original CFCCer Dave Lishego, Tara Garlinghouse, Todd Lane (in Ireland!), Melanie Lane (in Ireland!), Hunter Blackmore, David Wisniewski, Eileen Horgan, Rachel Miller, Jonah Detofsky, Shana McCarron, Meghan Ramos, Arrus Farmer, Rachel Baratz, Karis Yusavitz, Coach Sammy, Tony Kas (in Texas!), Jpap, and Coach Erin (moi!)  If you start a log – let me know!  I will gladly check it out when I can and also post it on a page I’m working on that has a list of CFCC logs – keeping track of where you’ve been is not only convenient for training purposes but also for encouragement on days when you’re not getting where you want to go as quickly as you would like!  No matter HOW you log – you SHOULD be logging!

CROGA at 630-715am and CONDITIONING at 715-8am.
ELEMENTS with ERIN at 7a, 530pm, and 7pm.
GYMNASTICS at 730pm.



MOVEMENT PREP: Coach’s Choice, 15 minutes.
SKILL WORK: The Muscle-Up, use the cage if rings are still not hung at this point, it will not be in use. Use a strict muscle-up if you are scared of the pull-up bar – or if you are lucky, and tall. Otherwise, feel free to use this time to work up to a max triple on the ring dip.

From the mainpage: http://www.crossfit.com/mt-archive2/008323.html

Eight rounds for max reps of:
Muscle-ups, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
135 pound Clean and jerk, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds

95lbs. for women on the C and J. If no, muscle-ups, use a ring dip.


SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Foam Roll, 5 minutes.
MOBILITY: Coach’s Choice, 2 minutes.
METABOLIC CONDITIONING: the CFE WOD for tomorrow: Row: 4x500m, rest 3:00 mins between each repeat – after all this, for every second off of your best time, complete strict pullups (pronated grip). Example: if your best time is 1:52 and my worst was 2:12, I’d complete 20 strict pull-ups before leaving.



SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: lax ball shoulders, 2 minutes; lax ball hip flexors, 2 minutes
MOBILITY: band overhead stretch, 1 minute each side
DYNAMIC WARM-UP: 3 rounds of: 10 seconds of cat stretch, 10 seconds of wrist stretch, 5 straddle seated leg-lifts, 5 piked seated leg lifts, 10 arm swings, 10 hip swings, 10 leg swings
POSTURE & STABILITY: hollow hold, 1 minute
SKILL #1: single-arm handstand
SKILL #2: pistol
For Time:
20 handstand thigh slaps (10 each side)
20 rolling pistols (10 each side)
20 knees-to-elbows
15 handstand thigh slaps
15 rolling pistols
15 knees-to-elbows
10 handstand thigh slaps
10 rolling pistols
10 knees-to-elbows
5 handstand thigh slaps
5 rolling pistols
5 knees-to-elbows



SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Lax Ball Glutes/High Hamstring, 2 minutes. Lax Ball Shoulders, 2 minutes.
MOBILITY: Partner Assisted Thoracic Extension, 1 minute. Band Pec Stretch, 1 minute each side.
DYNAMIC WARM-UP: Skill Work with the Single Arm Snatch, 5 minutes to try multiple implements/loads to see which one you’d like to use for the metcon later. The Kettlebell Snatch will not be taught but if you have used it before and would prefer it for the metcon you may use it.
STRENGTH: Snatch, work up to a peak of 1. For those who have not been Snatching throughout the cycle, Overhead Squatting or Snatch Balancing may be used.
*** the 6am and 7am classes must take place entirely in the Oly Area ***
METABOLIC CONDITIONING: 5 rounds of: 30 seconds of Single Arm Snatch, Weak Arm. 30 seconds of Single Arm Snatch, Strong Arm. 30 seconds of rest. Pick your load and implement (kettlebell, dumbbell, barbell, etc.) Your score is your total number of reps.

A little reminder.  You have to want it.

(Ignore the poor range of motion)

Tuesday, 4/24/12

23 Apr

CROGA at 630-715am and CONDITIONING at 715-8am.
ELEMENTS with ERIN at 7a, 530pm, and 7pm.
GYMNASTICS at 730pm.

Watch the below.  Come in today and be confident.  

If you love Olympic Weightlifting or if I’ve ever told you that you would be REALLY REALLY good at it, and you want to find out why – let me know if you’d like to be considered for the next OLY only training cycle that will prepare CFCC athletes for a competition at the end of July.  (erin@crossfitcc.com)


ADVANCED CLASS: if you would like to test into Advanced Class please email me (erin@crossfitcc.com) with whether or not you believe you have passed all of these requirements. If you are unsure of your status, you can always schedule a time to check with me in person.

MOVEMENT PREP: Coach’s Choice, 15 minutes.
Completed in the Gymnastics/Elements Area – pads are necessary back there to avoid noise – feel free to stand on a pad as well to be sure you are completing the deadlift from a true “floor” position.

“Diane” 21-15-9 reps of: Deadlift (225/155) and Handstand Push-ups

*If you are in advanced class and you have NOT thought about driving up to see what the Regional Level of the CrossFit Games is like… please give it some thought! Events like these can CHANGE the way you train ENTIRELY.

Don’t forget to let me know if you want to go here (DETAILS).



SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Foam Roll, 5 minutes.
MOBILITY: Coach’s Choice, 2 minutes.
METABOLIC CONDITIONING: 3 rounds EACH for time of: 500m Row, 50 Double Unders (if no Double Unders, 20 attempts).


The 730pm class... but only the first heat! Thank you all for sharing space with one another!

SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Lax Ball Glutes, 2 minutes. Lax Ball Shoulders, 2 minute.
MOBILITY: Wide Grip Supinated Hang or Pull-ups on Bar, a few reps, or a 10 second hang. Spiderman Stretch, 1 minute each side.
DYNAMIC WARM-UP: Snatch Skill Work.
STRENGTH: Snatch, work up to a peak of 1.
METABOLIC CONDITIONING: 5 rounds for time of: Hang Power Snatch at 65% of Peak, 5 reps. Medball Slam (20/14), 10 reps.

Sunday, 4/15/12

14 Apr

If you’re waking up and reading this on Sunday morning – you should be at CrossFit South Philly cheering on your team!  Bring your CFCC gear (socks, sweatshirts, gamefaces) and come witness the great honor it is to be represented by so many incredible people who you train with every day!  If you’re looking for inspiration – this is the PERFECT opportunity to find it!

Sammy is taking folks to climb a couple ropes in Rittenhouse Park at 9am this morning.  Come join her!


You know, in the spirit of, what HAVEN'T we done in Rittenhouse yet?

Wondering what all the fuss is about nutrition?  Don’t take our word for it!  Check out all the testimonials from these people!

Below, aha!  Watch and muse over all the wonderful things you will learn this week!

Remember, Snatch on Tuesday, Clean on Thursday.  For more details, review this post.

Sunday, 3/11/12

10 Mar

SPECIALIZED SESSIONS: 9am and 2pm, GYMNASTICS.  10-1130am, 1130am-1pm Intro to Olympic Lifting.
ELEMENTS: 9am with Erin. 1pm with Sammy. (The last class of this cycle! – woohoo!)
CF GAMES OPEN: 2pm with Erin. Last chance! Come cheer on your fellow CFCCers!

From Coach John Wooden.

A picture taken by our very own Nat (Hookgrip!) - when we say "BIG FINISH" this is what we mean!

SELF MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Lax ball shoulders/pecs, 5 minutes
MOBILITY: Wall pec stretch, 1 minute each side
DYNAMIC WARM-UP: Complete 3 rounds of: 10 cat camels, 10 arm circles, 10 hollow rocks, 3 handstand walk-ups
POSTURE AND STABILITY: L-sit/tuck-support, 1 minute
SKILL WORK: Rope climb
AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
5 inverted burpees
5 toes-to-bar
10 hollow rocks
1 rope climb

Watch as Natalie Burgener (who’s father coaches the CrossFit Olympic Lifting Certifications) works up to a clean and jerk of 264lbs. at a bodyweight of 63kg (138.6lbs) and a height of 5’3″.  That’s STRONG.