Tag Archives: Partnered Deadlift

Saturday, 3/5/11

4 Mar

Classes tomorrow will be at 9am – partner WOD, 10am – CrossFit Endurance with Liz, 11am – Kettlebellz with Jay, 12pm – Gymnastics with Sammy, 1pm – partner WOD.  Gymnastics at 12pm will involve kipping instruction!  Show up if you have no idea what kipping is – you will need it!


Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall, 30, from the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (1 PPCLI), based in Edmonton, Alberta, serving as a member of the 1 PPCLI Battle Group was killed by an improvised explosive device that detonated during a joint foot patrol near the village of Nakhonay in Panjwaii District, about 25 km southwest of Kandahar City on December 23, 2009. He is survived by his parents, Richard and Ethel Jane Nuttall.

The following WOD will be completed by partners together and everyone should be able to do this rx’d.  For example, the handstand push-ups should be able to be completed by most folks if the partner is helping by pulling the partner out of the bottom of the hspu. The Deadlift can be completed with a partner as well. Step-ups can be subbed for the box-jumps, but if this is the case, the number is doubled to 50 step-ups.  Pull-ups can be partner assisted as well – no bands should be used!  Wallball shots teams should be fine for.  One ball per team.  Women throwing the 20lb. ball throw to just below the yellow line, men throwing the 14lb. wallball should throw to the top of the drywall.  200 Double Unders can be done together as partners or 800 Singles can be subbed.  The run can be done by either partner or together.

For time:

  • 10 Handstand push-ups
  • 250/205 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
  • 25 Box jumps, 30/24 inch box
  • 50 Pull-ups
  • 100 Wallball shots, 20 pounds, 10′
  • 200 Double-unders
  • Run 400 meters with a 45lb plate



CFE warm-up
SMR: calves and glutes
Drills: figure 4, falling, pacing
WOD: Tabata on a band (8 rounds, 20 secs on, 10 sec off, of running while tethered to a pole by a band)

lateral warmup

clean review and skill – snatch review and skill

metcon: 20 rounds: one hand swing, clean, front squat, two presses, three snatches. Switch sides.

This will be performed as a group, with a cadence set by the instructor. Rest will be objective, no greater than 20 seconds per round.

There will be a MANDATORY assigned buyout policy, wherein any athlete performing inferior technique due to fatigue will be assigned a buyout exercise to be announced before the workout.

tension/relaxation – 4 point stability – couch stretch – pnf stretch




Sunday, 1/16/11

15 Jan

Stay tuned to the blog this week, everyone!  There’s a lot going on and I’ll do my very best to keep you updated!

Tomorrow there will only be one class and it will be held at the bottom of the Art Museum steps at 1pm.

And now, a message from GROG:

No more classes in the hobbit hole! Planning on being in new space on Wednesday. Bust out your cold weather training stuff, cause we’re gunna kick it old school (cold school?) outside for a couple days. Tomorrows 1pm session will be coached by me. We will meet at the bottom of the art museum steps, get there however you can. Talk to each other!


As some of you may know, Angie and I were competing at Hybrid Athletics together this weekend.  Below is a picture of a couple of the lifts that we did in the first workout.  I think we did pretty well given the fact that neither of us have trained with barbells or uh, tires in a while.  Many thanks to Blair and Brandi for driving everyone up, Sammy for coaching, Anahi for telling us the barbell was loaded unevenly, Jen for keeping us all update on who was “jacked”, Meghan for packing all the paleo food in the world, and Liz for doing her best to somehow deliver all her deadlifting prowess into my not-so-deadlifting self.  To all of those who cheered for us from far away – thank you.  Y’all are the best (really).