Tag Archives: CFE

Wednesday, 7/18/12

17 Jul

If you’re looking for more information on CFCC’s new running program – check out the info here!

CROSSFIT ENDURANCE (Running) with Liz, 630-7am.

CROGA with Tim at 8-845am.

INTRO to OLY with Sammy, 530-7pm.

HYBRID OLY with Erin from 9-11am.

CROSSFIT ENDURANCE (Rowing) with Liz, 530pm.

FOUNDATIONS with Liz, 630pm.

GYMNASTICS with Sammy, at 730pm.

Here – never ceasing to amaze – Rach sumo-deadlifts WHILE being 5 months pregnant! Ethan (who she was pregnant with at the time) is alive and an AMAZING human being. Rach is, unfortunately unable to be here this Wednesday due to some family trouble – if you do know her on Facebook or otherwise, please send her some CFCC love, as she will definitely appreciate it at this very difficult time for her.

SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Barbell Assisted Mashing, Adductors and Quads, 5 minutes.   Lax Ball, 5 minutes.

DYNAMIC WARM-UP: Pull-ups with the band you will use in the metcon. Every minute on the minute for 5 minutes: 3 pull-ups, 3 very aggressive kettlebell swings (pick a lighter bell than what you will use in the metcon if you’d like).

STRENGTH: Sumo Deadlift, up to peak of 2.


For max total reps of the Russian Kettlebell Swing, for 10 minutes:

Every minute on the minute, 3-5 Strict Pull-ups (any grip) directly followed as many Russian Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5) as possible in the remaining time in the minute.

A little example of what CrossFit Endurance programming in a session can look like, and can do.

Saturday, 5/12/12

11 May

THIS SATURDAY (TODAY!): Meet Arrus and I at the gym at 8am to take a trip to Reading Terminal Market to learn how to buy, cook, and plan to have food that fuels you for the week. Come by the gym at 530pm-730pm to schmooze with fellow members over food at the PALEO POTLUCK.  Get ideas for your upcoming week of food, eat some great paleo stuffs or just talk to others about how the CFCC BCCC is going.

Intro to Oly Lifting – OPEN TO ALL MEMBERS but limited to 8 people per class – (with Sammy and Erin) 9-1030am and (with Jim and Erin) 1030am-12pm
Workout of the Day Session with Liz at 9am and Sammy at 2pm
Foundations with Liz at 10am
Endurance with Liz at 11am
Gymnastics with Sammy at 11am
Advanced Olympic Lifting from 1-3pm and 3-5pm with Jim

How does CrossFit think about running? And Endurance?

SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Foam Roll as needed, 5 minutes.
MOBILITY: Wall Quad Stretch, 1 minute each side. Spiderman Stretch, 1 minute each side. Gastroc/Soleus Stretch, 1 minute each side.

7 Rounds of the below:

One minute of 10 meter (32ft) run – for every pass of 32ft count “1 rep”
One minute Row for Calories – 1 calorie equals “1 rep”
One minute Rest.

Your lowest scored round (reps of the run plus reps of calories) is your score.


Chad and Ave single-limb rowing in CrossFit Endurance together. If you’re intimidated by this class, just remember that EVERY class at CFCC is scalable and should be thought of as a place where you can go to work THROUGH your injuries… instead of AGAINST them. If you are injured and aren’t telling us – we don’t know why you’re staying away! Always email us! There’s a LOT that you can do to get better AND to maintain a training effect!


Run 5x800m, rest 2-3 mins

A brief introduction to the POSE Method of Running, taught here at CFCC!



DYNAMIC WARM-UP: 30 seconds of each: cat camels, wrist rocks, changing grip push-ups, hollow rocks, jump squats, handstand hold
SKILL #1: L-sit on rings (with turn out), 10 minutes practice
SKILL #2: Cartwheel/round-off
4 rounds for time:
10 free-standing handstand thigh slaps (5 each side)
10 ring dips with turn out
10 burpee tuck-jumps

Saturday, 2/18/12

17 Feb

There are only 4 more days to register to join CFCC’s CrossFit Games Open team! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???


SPECIALIZED CLASSES: 9am and 2pm regular CrossFit programming (Helen!), 10am CrossFit Endurance Class with Liz (rowing), 11am Yoga (with Tim!), 12pm ADVANCED CLASS (aaaand really everyone who wants to go) MEETS to go to CrossFit 1Force to play with Strongman Stuff (return by 3pm), 1pm Gymnastics Skills Only Session with Sammy.

ROWING with Liz at 10am: 

Row and Swing
5 rounds:
row 800m
kettlebell swings, 30 reps

GYMNASTICS at 1pm with Sammy: Handstand Push-up!

Below, Tim and Marcy complete “Helen” yesterday. Tim, sets up with the kettlebell in the bottom position of the swing exactly where it should be – as CLOSE as possible to your crotch! – Marcy hits the top position of the Russian Swing (Chest Height). The rx’d height for Helen is American or, OVERHEAD, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t sustain good form through out the swing. Both of these pieces create a good American Kettlebell Swing!

SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Foam Roll/Lax Ball 5 minutes, as needed.
MOBILITY: Wall Assisted 90/90, 1 minute each side. Gastroc/Soleus Stretch, 1 minute each side.
POSTURE AND STABILITY: Single Leg Squat Hold in POSE position, 1 minute each side.
METABOLIC CONDITIONING: “Helen” : 3 Rounds for time of: 400m Run (THE LONG LOOP), 21 American Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1), 12 Pull-ups

Saturday, 11/12/11

11 Nov

Wanna wish Stephen Downs and Kelly Quinley a VERY Happy Wedding? Come to the 9am workout and train with Stephen on the day of his WEDDING! 🙂 Congrats, you two! We love you!

Picture from CFCC PROM, by Mikem!

Stephen’s Wedding Workout (9am Class open to all members of CFCC!)


With a partner.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of:

Power Clean, 155/115lbs.
1 round of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats)

Either partner is allowed to complete the clean reps. Each partner must alternate rounds of Cindy. Example: if Bob is scaling the clean to 135lbs. then Job must scale the clean as well. If Bob cleans 6 reps of the first 10 because his clean is stronger then Job can complete 4 to finish the reps needed in that round. They also have the option of alternating as many times as they’d like (Bob can do 2, Job can do 2, etc.). After the cleans, 1 round of Cindy must be completed in TOTAL by either Bob or Job… but Bob cannot help Job once he has started his round and vice versa.  Those who do not power clean at all (have no prior CFCC experience with it – will complete a HIGH BOX JUMP instead).

ON RAMP with Liz at 10am:

SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Lax Ball to Hamstrings, 1 minute each side. Foam Roll IT Bands and Quads, 1 minute each side, each.
MOBILITY: Band Assisted Hamstring Stretch, 1 minute each side.
DYNAMIC WARM-UP: 1 minute with each: Cat Camel, Spiderman to Stand, Bulgarian Goat Bag Swing, Goblet Squat
SKILL WORK: Russian Kettlebell Swing
METABOLIC CONDITIONING: AMRAP in 8 minutes: 8 Bulgarian Goat Bag Swings, 8 Goblet Squats, 8 Hanging Knee Tucks.

CROSSFIT ENDURANCE with Liz at 11am:

Get to know your Damper settings (that dial on the wheel of the erg). This class is capped at 5 participants – sign up ASAP!

3 mins: row at damper 3-4, 80% effort. Note 500m split time, watts, or calories
40 secs: max capacity
20 secs: active rest
30 secs: max capacity
30 secs: active rest
20 secs: max capacity
40 secs: active rest
1 min rest: kick up damper to 6-7
repeat above cycle. Match the split time established in first cycle
1 min. rest: kick up damper to 10
repeat above cycle. Match the split time established in first cycle
1 min. rest: damper down to 5
repeat above cycle. Match first split time.
1 mins. rest: damper to 1
repeat above cycle. Match the split time

At the end of this workout, you will have a better understanding of what damper settings are most efficient for you.

Wednesday, 11/9/11

8 Nov

Pictures of Fall Ball taken by Ramsey Beyer are up! And while you’re at it… if you haven’t “liked” us on Facebook yet – stop that… LIKE USto keep up with the most recent news about CFCC!

I’m a little obsessed with short rib anything lately… and this Short Rib Ragu seems like it would really be perfect for anyone with Short Ribs from the cowshare… and a little bit of time.

CROSSFIT ENDURANCE with Liz at 530pm:

Partner relay.  In teams of two, sitting side by side on rowers, first person rows 100m at maximal intensity while other partner rows at an easy pace. When 100m is completed, first partner yells GO to second partner and second partner row 100m.  Second partner yells GO when completed and first person rows 200m.  This pattern continues up to 500 and then back down.

Mau, is that you??? ...doing some really fancy burpees.

SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Lax Ball Glutes, Quads, Feet – til 10 past.
DYNAMIC WARM-UP: 30 seconds with each: Cat Camel, Samson Stretch, Adductor Mobs, Leg Swings, Hip Swings, Arm Swings, Pull-ups (same band you will use during the metcon).
ACTIVATION: Broad Jump, peak of 1.
STRENGTH: Front Squat, peak of 1.
METABOLIC CONDITIONING: AMRAP Burpees in 3 minutes. Rest 2 minutes. AMRAP Pull-ups (Kipping) in 2 minutes. Rest 1 minute. AMRAP Air Squats in 1 minute. Score is total reps of each.

ON RAMP with Liz at 630pm:

SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Lax Ball to Glutes and Quads, 1 minute each, each side.
MOBILITY: Wall Quad Stretch, 1 minute each side.
DYNAMIC WARM-UP: Leg Swings, Hip Swings, and How to Row.
POWER: Broad Jump, take 6 measured attempts at your best jump.
METABOLIC CONDITIONING: Row 500m. Rest as needed. Row 500m.

Monday, 7/11/11

10 Jul

There is a Competitor’s Meeting on Wednesday, at 730pm. All interested in casual or NOT-so-casual competition are invited.  Come find out what you need to do to be at your best by next year. 

THE CROSSFIT TOTAL is happening at CFCC on Sunday, August 28, 2011.  The CrossFit Total, simply put, is making 3 attempts at your best weight in the following 3 lifts: the Conventional Deadlift, Back Squat, and the Strict Military Press.  If you’re new to CFCC, we’d like to prepare you to be ready for these lifts on the 28th.  If you’re old to CFCC, we’d like to set some new benchmarks before the Fall starts.  If you’re in the Strength class – we’d like to see what all the band schtuff is about anyway. 😉  Save the date and stay posted – there’s more to come on how you can make the most out of the programming for the next few weeks.

RUNNING this week will be on Tuesday at 530pm instead of Wednesday… and Liz will be away for the Running Cert in New York this weekend so she will not be coaching running on Saturday. 

"The highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it." - John Ruskin

SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Lax Ball to Hip Flexors, 1 minute each side.

MOBILITY: Wall Quad Stretch, 1 minute each side.

DYNAMIC WARM-UP: 2 rounds of: 10 Cat Camel, 10 Thoracic Extensions, 10 Spiderman Steps, Arm Swings, Leg Swings, Hip Swings

STRENGTH: Front Squat, up to a peak set of 5.

METABOLIC CONDITIONING: AMRAP in 10 minutes of: 1 minute Knees to Elbows, 1 minute Medball Slams. Score is total max reps.