Tag Archives: Burpee Box Jumps

Friday, 11/18/11

17 Nov

Battle of the Bands is tomorrow (SATURDAY)! If you don’t receive an email by noon tomorrow please email us! You’ll know what the events are and everything you need to know about tomorrow!

Wanna see something that’ll make you feel really great about your training, your coaches, and your total ignorance of daytime television? 🙂  Look no further!

Cassie and I have agreed that the box out front for donations to the Group Home should have it’s presence existed yet ANOTHER week – this is the last week, y’all.  The kids are especially in need of things like yoga mats, sneakers, and sports bras.  YUP.  If you have nothing to donate and you’d like to donate $ instead, please feel free to contact us and we’ll make sure Cassie gets your inquiries!  Let’s give the gift of some healthy inspiration this Thanksgiving!

Ted, band assisting his handstand push-ups.

SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Foam Roll stuff that’s sore! Until 5 past.
MOBILITY: Gastroc/Soleus Stretch, 1 minute each side.
DYNAMIC WARM-UP: 10 Spiderman Steps (each side), 10 Leg Swings (each side), 10 Hip Swings (each side), Arm Swings as needed, 10 Jump Squats for Max Height on each rep.
ACTIVATION: 5 minutes to a peak of 1 for the Box Jump.
STRENGTH: Front Squat, up to a peak of 3. Speed!
METABOLIC CONDITIONING: 5 rounds for time of: 10 Front Squats (115/75), 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20) – there is a 15 minute cap on this workout.