Tag Archives: 150 Burpees

Thursday, 2/23/12

22 Feb

Tomorrow, if you are part of CFCC’s CrossFit Games Open Team (CFCCCGOT) – you will be able to complete the workout tomorrow at 7am, or 7pm. WE WILL STILL BE HOLDING REGULAR SESSIONS DURING THIS TIME.  Expect to help out with judging – and to sign off on a commitment to judge with absolute integrity. If you can’t make it on Thursday, this week, because of the Hybrid Competition, neither Tim nor myself will be able to judge on Saturday. For this reason, you may attend at 530pm on Friday evening to put up a score, or – if you ABSOLUTELY MUST – early Sunday morning (email me – if this is when you need to be judged). Remember, you MUST post a score for us to validate by Sunday at 8pm – even if it is JUST ONE REP – to stay in the running and keep any further scores valid.  With all that said…GO TEAM!

Pictured above: 1 fateful day, last January... CFCC completed 150 burpees for time. The best score then was 11 minutes and was held by Samantha Aurelio.

SELF-MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Lax Ball Shoulders, 3 minutes. Foam Roll Hips, 2 minutes.
MOBILITY: Samson Stretch off the Box, 1 minute each side. 20 Hip Swings (Total), 20 Arm Swings.
DYNAMIC WARM-UP: Review the Hang Clean.
SKILL WORK: Hang Clean, 3 reps, on the minute every minute for 10 minutes. If you have a bodyweight clean, pick your own weight. If you don’t, ask the Coach! (Sammy). During your rest, listen to your Coach. Those who will need to be critiqued will be held at the same weight until PERFECT form is exhibited – if you want to move up, you’ve got to be perfect. Those with bodyweight cleans may up their weights as needed – the Coach reserves the right to ask you to back down should your form deteriorate to a point where it is no longer profitable.
STRENGTH: Front Squat, up to a peak of 5. Start higher than you normally would (60% of max).
METABOLIC CONDITIONING: Run four consecutive short loops for time.