Tag Archives: Kettlebells

Kettlebellz tonight at 730p!

22 Feb
here is tonights kbz wod:
linear warmup
jump squat 3×10
split jump 3×10
partner squat walk x 1
partner wheelbarrow x 1
wall squat with pause at bottom (active bottom position) 3×5
windmill skill work
armbar skill work
2 rounds for time
double KB clean and press x 6
snatch x 16
double kb swing x 12
double kb rack front squat x 6
renegade row x 8 (with pushup)
naked turkish get up
partner stretch:
elbow to instep

Kettlebellz tonight.

15 Feb


Linear warmup

Kbell complex:
Dl x 6
Gob sqt x 6
Good morn x 6
Halo x 3es

Clean and Press review/skill
5, 3, 3, 2, 1 sets of presses, working up to heavy single

3 rnds for time:
30 double unders
25 goblet squats with snatch bell
20 pushups
15 box jumps
10 burpees
5 pushpress es

Partner stretch:
Elbow to instep
Hip opener
Shoulder lock

Saturday, 2/5/11

4 Feb

It’s another fun-filled weekend for CFCC!  Our classes tomorrow are as follows: 9a regular WOD (Sammy), 10a Gymnastics, 11a CrossFit Endurance, 12p Jay’s First Kettlebell Class for CFCC!, and a 1p regular WOD (Liz).

If you’re wondering how to include all these classes into a healthy lifestyle my suggestion to you would be to pick the ones that are your weaknesses skill-wise and don’t do more than one metcon a day.  As Grog has stated, there’s more to come on how to make this work for you, but that’s a great place to start!  See y’all in the space!

Also, on a more general note, we’ve got 5 more slots available for $750.  A million thanks to those of you who responded so quickly.

Partner wod. Tag team/ relay style:  2 rounds, each for time, with a partner (first partner must complete cones then tag their teammate before they can start the same movement) .    50 feet between cones.  6 cone sprint.   2 cone single arm overhead kb walk (2/1.5.  1 cone each arm). 4 cone  Double kb walk (rack position, 2/1.5 each arm), 2 cone sandbag carry (anyhow, 120/90lbs), 6 cone sprint.  Total the time of both rounds to determine winning teams (lowest total time).  Any combo of sexes is fine.



  • Warm-Up
  • Spatial/Kinesthetic Awareness: Cartwheels
  • Strength: Parallette Work-Tuck hold, L-hold, V-sit, Manna
  • Metcon:
    • Tabata rocking hollows
    • Tabata parallette shoot-throughs
    • Tabata air squats


CrossFit Endurance, Running.

  • Warm-up
  • Figure Four Drills
  • Death by 10 meters!



dynamic/linear warmup (possible lap warmup, depending on turnout)

skill/strength:  high bridge turkish getup (focusing on points of contact, hip extension, eye position) working up to 1 peak set with kettlebell.  we will be focusing EXTENSIVELY on technique, and reviewing the snatch and two handed swing.


(use snatch size bell)
(if you perform the swing, you MUST finish the WOD with 5 bear crawls the length of the gym)

10 burpees/squat thrust
30 snatch/swing
15 burpees/squat thrust
20 snatch/swing
20 burpees/squat thrust
10 snatch/swing


timed plank
timed bird dog hold
timed hip bridge (with weight if possible)


Like I said, BIG DAY. 🙂

Food for thought: A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. – Robert Heinlein

Wednesday, 2/2/11

1 Feb

Classes tomorrow (Wednesday) will be 6a, 7a, 8a, 9a, 12p, 430p, 530p, and 630p.

Also, please note that the one and only JAY PEPITO will be coaching his first class ever for CFCC this Saturday at 12p.  I know how much you all miss kettlebellz.  Rise late and come on out to experience the thrill of all kinds of things you can do with a cannonball with a handle.

Here Drew is lined up for the strict press with no compromises down the kinetic chain. Way to go, Drew!

2011 CrossFit Games tickets are on sale. Anyone want to go to Cali? 🙂

What one event would you LOVE to see at the CrossFit Games this year?  Post thoughts to comments!

Posture and Stability: Single Leg Squat Hold, 1 minute each leg

Power/Activation: 5 minutes to find your highest box jump double.

Strength: Hang Squat Clean, work up to a peak set of 2.

Metcon: Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes, 2 squat cleans at your peak set.

The next CFE class is this Saturday at 10am.  Get some!

Wednesday, 1/12/11

11 Jan

4 rounds for max reps: 1m r arm snatch, 1m l arm snatch, 1m box jumps, 1m rest.

Our very own Jen shows you how it’s done in the short clip below.  Jen’s a great example of someone who has benefited entirely by being dedicated to attending during our time in the racquetball court.  Her overall strength has gone through the roof and her confidence with kettlebells and other movements we have been focusing on in the last few months makes her a great companion for any workout.  There are a number of our members that serve as great sources of advice when you’re confused about a movement or something else Crossfit-ey.  What one piece of advice have you received from a fellow member that helped you?  Post to comments.

“Renew your passions daily.” -Abbe Yeux-verdi

Ahhhh the dreaded FOOD MATRIX. Further proving that BOREDOM is just NOT a reason to not eat for your health.

Thursday, 10/28/10

28 Oct



Broad Jump, up to a peak set of 1.


Sumo-Deadlift, up to a peak set of 1.


Tabata Kettlebell Swings.